I can't believe it. As I am typing this, the Meghatron has turned 6 today. She has had a great day, enjoying her favorite pizza, cake & presents.
In some ways, time has flown by so quickly. I want to slow things down. She is growing up way too fast, getting so big. Savor each moment, like yesterday. We met one of our dear friends at a restaurant. They brought MM an ice cream with a candle. She blew out the candle. I asked her if she made a wish. She said, "Yes, I wished a happy birthday to me". We all laughed. She laughed cause we laughed, even if it was her canned laughter. (I am proud that she is attempting to pick up on social cues)
In other ways, time has moved so slowly. I can remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. I remember her time in NICU and how raw & numb I felt. I remember the pain my heart felt when she got diagnosed with CP then ASD. I can't forget all the hundreds of hours we have spent in therapy, doing therapy, going to & from therapy. For me, her life has been constantly measured, scrutinized every few months. We measure moments by "inch stones, not milestones" as one of the fellow bloggers says. It is at these times that her life seems to be moving so slowly.
Although this hasn't been the six years I envisioned, it has been wonderful. She is growing and making wonderful progress. Her brains, humor, charm & looks are incomparable. I love her so much & can't wait to see what the next 6 years will bring.
Happy Birthday, cutie!
happy birthday mm!
Sorry I missed it...but happy birthday MM!!!!
I'm so glad to hear not only that she loved her birthday but that she had all those social skillz!! Go MM! Go MM!!!
Rather late than never! Happy birthday MM!
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