I do believe it is school stressing out my sweet girl. She has been off all week. She is doing GREAT! My sweet little girl is back. She is loving, engaging, happy. No meltdowns that are out of the ordinary for her. She keeps saying "No school today, I on fall break".
I am glad she is back, but now.... what to do about school? She needs to go, but it is so hard to deal with her behavior. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
14 years ago
We are dealing with the same thing right now. Regan is completely checked out....and it just started. Is there anything or anybody that she delights in at school? A special friend, or an upcoming field trip, anything that makes her feel a little happy? Try to find a postive focus for her and you, and she will probably feel it through you.
The Power of Housewife Word of Mouth
Maybe there is something specific at school that is bothering her and causing the meltdowns. If you sit down with her and go through the daily schedule, maybe you guys could pinpoint where the breakdown occurs. Kind of a broader task analysis.
Has she read some social stories about why you have to go to school or why you can't stay home all day? Maybe a story on appropriate behavior in school would help? Just some thoughts.
Right now we are using the "When My Autism Gets too Big" book with some of our kiddos. It's interactive and the kids have to fill in what they look like when their autism is at certain levels. I really like it and think it helps kids understand what is going on in their bodies so much better. Just sucks that it costs so much. Might want to look on ebay for it too.
I hate to say it, but it may just be that she enjoys the lax days of being home with mom. I know I would certainly enjoy that more than school. For example, when summer or Christmas break comes to an end, I pretty much have a meltdown of my own. I only come back to these buildings kicking and screaming LOL
Are you sure things are ok at school? Kynzer wasn't himself at all last yr. at school..and then we found out all the horrible things that were going on. I'm not trying to scare you...but that might be something to look into.
I'm glad she is enjoying her break though :)
I haven't thought of that Anita. she isn't able to always tell you what occured during they day. I try. I think I might just have them set up the "nanny cam" in the class to see how her day goes. I know that the teacher will be on her best behavior. I am also going to start doing some "drop-ins" to check on her. Thanks for the heads up!
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