Well, just as I thought, MM will be having her tonsils removed along with adenoids & possible tubes put back in her ears. I am not too worried about the surgery. We will have to stay over night though, possibly two nights they said. That will be rough. Surgery, then her not in her own environment!
I LOVED the new doc, btw! He had actually read her chart before he came in. I was all ready to plead my case. None of that needed. He said they would probably have to come out, looked in her throat for a half second, said "Oh yeah, they need to come out". He then said most kids go home, but she will have to stay due to her ASD & CP. He is most concerned cause she can't tell you if she is hurting or something is wrong. Also, he wants her to have IV antibiotics after due to her auto immune issues. WOW. Okay. Then he scheduled it for Feb 19. That is before I could even GET IN with the ENT we used in the past. WOWEE-WOW!
Now, the bad news is my surgery is the week before on the 11th. We are going to have a super hectic mid February. Also, we will be funding two different ENTs family vacations this year! LOL!
I am still planning on giving the IEP update, but it will take a lot of time to type. I need to get housework done this morning.
14 years ago