Cried just as hard today, 10 years laters, as I did the day it happened. Watching all the news coverage was heart wrenching. Tried to explain it to MM. Our babies will never have the innocence we had before that day.
It's a Grand Old Flag

My name is Jenna and i came across your site. What beautiful tribute to 911. Beautiful MM with the American flag! I live in BC. Canada, and so many Canadians lives were touched by 911 and some canadians have also lost loved ones. This is a special day to remember those who's lives were lost and those who lost lives. MM is an amazing, inspirational hero, brave warrior, and smilen champ. She is a courageous, strong and determined fighter. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and developmental delays.
This is beautiful. I actually just found your site through mamapundit and you have such an inspiring story. Keep bloggin. I'm a new follower now.
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