Well, not really. BUT it is being good to us.
MM is doing well at home. She has made a few subtle gains. I am very excited about this. Any gain is a good one. We have been stagnated for so long, that I am doing the happy dance about them.
She is only doing two days at a summer program, one day with therapy and one day with her baton lessons. Otherwise, mom & I are working with her. What. a. difference! Her behavior has been quite good, ticks/stims way less and just an overall sweetie. I see her little personality peeking out through the ASD and she has a wonderful sense of humor. She has even made some jokes.
After talking to my friend (who is a special ed teacher), she said maybe the school day is too long for her. I am wondering if she is right. I have the girls at therapy documenting her behaviors, gains, etc during summer break. Once school starts & we see how things go, I might consider decreasing her day. If she is not making any gains because the day is too long (too much going on, too many interactions, etc), then I might shorten it.
We haven't really done much else. Life has been kind of boring, but boring is good. I have been slack on the blogging/being a blog buddy front. I guess I have been on a blog break. I said it before, I have a bunch of posts started. I'm just not sure I want to finish or publish them. They came from when I was in a dark place. I am back in the light now. Depression is such a miserable thing. Hiding it is even harder & worse.
Love & light to all of you. I'll be back to commenting before you know it!
14 years ago